Commentary from Mel Oxciano, Legal Counsel









Dear Eddie,

With the onset of a wonderful,informative and inspiring web, the beginning of a new PBUSA
Outreach program and more cooperation,honest and genuine work and friendship amongst
All dedicated members is on track. Let us not be swayed by callings from former members
To go back to the old system of selecting our officers where it is like a fiesta or name recognition Event, where after being elected, they just disappear and then you see them again, on the next Election vying for another position. We must now transfer to the next generation the power to Manage the organization for continuity and posterity!!

For so long a time, I personally hungered For a sincere and honest leader, a person of unblemished integrity and dedication to a vision Helping our own kababayans,never thinking anymore of the shame and embarrassments I have Personally been subjected to by the so-called leaders of our Org., and this was during the dark days Of the PBUSA. I Can now say with humility that YOU are this person and you have passed My own guidelines for a true and sincere Leader! We pray that the Org.,will be guided by new leaders with the zeal  like what you have shown and proved, Mr. President! Thank you for proving me right.

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